
Short cut keys for mac to debug java application
Short cut keys for mac to debug java application

short cut keys for mac to debug java application
  1. #Short cut keys for mac to debug java application how to#
  2. #Short cut keys for mac to debug java application mac os x#
  3. #Short cut keys for mac to debug java application full#
  4. #Short cut keys for mac to debug java application android#
  5. #Short cut keys for mac to debug java application software#

It’s less than an IDE (see the next recipe), but more than a command

#Short cut keys for mac to debug java application full#

Alternatively, Mac fans can use one of the many full IDE tools discussed in Compiling, Running, and Testing with an IDE. Compiled classes can be packaged into “clickable applications” using the Jar Packager discussed in Running a Program from a JAR.

#Short cut keys for mac to debug java application mac os x#

Mac OS X users can use the command-line JDK tools as above or Ant (see Automating Compilation with Apache Ant). More information on Oracle Java for OS X is available. Effective with Java 7, Apple has devolved this support to Oracle to make the distributions, which are now available for download (avoid the JRE-only downloads).

#Short cut keys for mac to debug java application software#

Java SE 6 was provided by Apple and available through Software Update. As such, it has a regular command line (the Terminal application, hidden away under /Applications/Utilities), as well as all the traditional Mac tools. Mac OS X (Release 10.x of Mac OS) is built upon a BSD Unix (and “Mach”) base. Books have been written about how great the Mac user interface is, and I won’t step into that debate. At the other end of the spectrum in terms of keyboard-versus-visual, we have the Apple Macintosh.

#Short cut keys for mac to debug java application android#

Harmony was retired by Apache in November 2011, although parts of it are still in use (e.g., parts of Harmony’s JavaSE runtime library are used in the popular Android mobile operating system).

short cut keys for mac to debug java application

There have also been some Java runtime clones, including Apache Harmony, Japhar, the IBM Jikes Runtime (from the same site as Jikes), and even JNODE, a complete, standalone operating system written in Java, but since the Sun/Oracle JVM has been open-sourced (GPL), most of these projects have become unmaintained. There were several alternative open source command-line compilers, including Jikes and Kaffe but they are, for the most part, no longer actively maintained. Sun/Oracle’s javac compiler is the official reference implementation. In older versions of Java, you had to set your CLASSPATH to include “.”, even to run a simple program from the current directory this is no longer true on current Java implementations. CLASSPATH, if set, is used by both javac and java. There is an optional setting called CLASSPATH, discussed in Using CLASSPATH Effectively, that controls where Java looks for classes. Many people use this compiler or one of its clones. ForĮxample: C:\javasrc> javac HelloWorld.javaĪs you can see from the compiler’s (lack of) output, this compiler works on the Unix “no news is good news” philosophy: if a program was able to do what you asked it to, it shouldn’t bother nattering at you to say that it did so. Only, javaw to run a program without a console window). Javac to compile and java to run your program (and, on Windows Should be able to run the command-line JDK tools. You have the standard JDK installed in the standard location and/or Way to keep up with the very latest improvements in Java. Using the command-line Java Development Kit (JDK) may be the best It’s here to ensure that everybody can compile and debug their programs before we move on. If you’re already happy with your IDE, you may wish to skip some or all of this material. The entire (almost) JDK is maintained as an open source project, and the OpenJDK source tree is used (with changes and additions) to build the commercial and supported Oracle JDKs. For example, while this book’s third edition was being written, Java 8 was not yet released, but JDK 8 builds could be obtained from the OpenJDK project.

short cut keys for mac to debug java application

You can sometimes find prerelease builds of the next major Java version on. Standard downloads for the current release of Java are available at Oracle’s website. Which you’ll want if you’re going to be developing Java software. The JDK or Java SDK download is the full development environment, The JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is a smaller downloadįor end users. Be aware that thereĪre several different downloads. If you don’t already have Java installed, you’ll need to download it. The chapter ends with some general information about conditional compilation, unit testing, assertions, and debugging.

short cut keys for mac to debug java application

Deprecation warnings follow after that, because you’re likely to encounter them in maintaining “old” Java code. Another issue people run into is setting CLASSPATH correctly, so that’s dealt with next. Before you can try out anything in this book, you need to be able to compile and run your Java code, so I start there, showing several ways: the JDK way, the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) way, and the build tools (Ant, Maven, etc.) way.

#Short cut keys for mac to debug java application how to#

This chapter covers some entry-level tasks that you need to know how to do before you can go on-it is said you must crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can ride a bicycle.

Short cut keys for mac to debug java application